Proper - culture, philosophy, governance, laws, relating and responsibility for Our New Way/Old Way together.

SovereignTree is ALL about the positive and progressive goals in recreating a participatory honourable Society. Out of the ashes of our failed past “masters” of deceit, fraud and murder we recreate anew. To do that, We need a dedicated forum and core group for those thoughts to gather and strengthen around with deliberation openly but privately, changing the hearts disease of humanity by courageous “exemplars” forming Our Lawful relations mutually, of deep interconnectivity and responsibility for our Law and each other.

Join the crew:

Be part of a community of people who share your interests of “Restorative Self-Governance”.

Subscribe to SovereignTree - New Way/Old Way Together

Lawful living self-governance system to make fraud obsolete


a servant of my Gurudeva and a pujari of Sri Gaurasundarjui of Uki, aikidoka, philosopher/father/husband/friend, social critic/inventor/dreamer, friend of O.S.T.F. and Wirritjin (walker of both worlds)